2005-06-22 15:50:56 UTC
Just thought I'd provide this word to the wise as my customer experience for
all to see on this wonderful world wide web.
From January 2005 I began experiencing constant problems reading my favorite
news group. Give disruption to reading newsgroups via NTL broadbad was alway
tempremental as a customer of several years I was used to sporadic service
and became used to poor service.
It was only when I was forced to register to use a third party news server
news.individual.net (a paid for service) that I began to question my sanity
as I was already paying for such a service with NTL broadband.
I made the usual mamouth calls to technical departments to be answered by
people who clearly had no concept of what a news group was. I read the
"Service down, up , down, up to improve our system" message on the web site
also for several months.
In the end I got so fed up I threw in the Towl. I terminated my service and
went with more expensive suppliers (overall) , Sky for TV, BT for telephone
and Zen for a faster internet service with to date faultless service.
Since terminating with NTL their customer relations department rang me on no
less than four occassions within days of the termination, clearly keen to
keep their customers. I told them why at the time I was terminating.. that
their news servers were pathetic (at this stage it wasn't personal!). Again
the people on the phone had no idea what a News group was and were only
interested in keeping me and selling me a faster connection, in their maind
this would solve all my problems.
I carried on with my termination and sadly didn't cancel the direct debit
quite quick enough so the shafted me for another month of full service. I
cancelled the direct debit and complained to Alan in Customer services. He
listed to my tale and appeared to understand and even offered to refund my
internet subscription back to January. I was given false hope it appears. No
such refund has transpired , what did come was yet another Bill for a full
months service (bearing in mind I have now cancelled my direct debit) NTL
then kindly forwarded my a letter along the lines of I'm a bad debtor, pay
or else!
So I was not very impressed. I spoke with Alma in Customer services who said
she would sort it all out. Despite my bitter complaint I was told I'd have
to wait until June 17th and then she would send out a cheque with the money
I'd been incorrectly charged.
Today I got another Invoice.. I've been refuneded what I'm owed (or will be
in 28 days when a cheque is sent) but no sign of Alans charitable refund of
my internet subscription - This upset me, but not quite as much as them
deducting £2.00 further from my refund because I'm not using Direct debit.
I've again complained bitterly this morning to Customer services and
suggested they check the phone call Alan made (they tape everything) and
keep their promise.
I'm more annoyed that I didn't sort it sooner, that three months on they are
still making cock ups, that they have the cheek to charge me £2.00, that
they send letters demanding payment when I own nothing.
I had calmed down and thought I'd leave them to get on and sort it.
I've just had a phone call from NTL customer services, they understand I'm
leaving them, want to know why (hadn't a clue I'd already left!) and
couldn't tell me the reasons I'd already told them I had left when I queried
it with them.
This is my true experience, may it be a warning to others. should it be
deleted I'll post it on every appropriate newsgroup and even dedicate a
website to the whole sorry affair for all to read.
Below is some text to help the search bots find this incase any one is
suffering the same or thinking of joining NTL and researching via the web.
Ntl Don't listen to customers
NTL only interested in my money
Lee Davies
all to see on this wonderful world wide web.
From January 2005 I began experiencing constant problems reading my favorite
news group. Give disruption to reading newsgroups via NTL broadbad was alway
tempremental as a customer of several years I was used to sporadic service
and became used to poor service.
It was only when I was forced to register to use a third party news server
news.individual.net (a paid for service) that I began to question my sanity
as I was already paying for such a service with NTL broadband.
I made the usual mamouth calls to technical departments to be answered by
people who clearly had no concept of what a news group was. I read the
"Service down, up , down, up to improve our system" message on the web site
also for several months.
In the end I got so fed up I threw in the Towl. I terminated my service and
went with more expensive suppliers (overall) , Sky for TV, BT for telephone
and Zen for a faster internet service with to date faultless service.
Since terminating with NTL their customer relations department rang me on no
less than four occassions within days of the termination, clearly keen to
keep their customers. I told them why at the time I was terminating.. that
their news servers were pathetic (at this stage it wasn't personal!). Again
the people on the phone had no idea what a News group was and were only
interested in keeping me and selling me a faster connection, in their maind
this would solve all my problems.
I carried on with my termination and sadly didn't cancel the direct debit
quite quick enough so the shafted me for another month of full service. I
cancelled the direct debit and complained to Alan in Customer services. He
listed to my tale and appeared to understand and even offered to refund my
internet subscription back to January. I was given false hope it appears. No
such refund has transpired , what did come was yet another Bill for a full
months service (bearing in mind I have now cancelled my direct debit) NTL
then kindly forwarded my a letter along the lines of I'm a bad debtor, pay
or else!
So I was not very impressed. I spoke with Alma in Customer services who said
she would sort it all out. Despite my bitter complaint I was told I'd have
to wait until June 17th and then she would send out a cheque with the money
I'd been incorrectly charged.
Today I got another Invoice.. I've been refuneded what I'm owed (or will be
in 28 days when a cheque is sent) but no sign of Alans charitable refund of
my internet subscription - This upset me, but not quite as much as them
deducting £2.00 further from my refund because I'm not using Direct debit.
I've again complained bitterly this morning to Customer services and
suggested they check the phone call Alan made (they tape everything) and
keep their promise.
I'm more annoyed that I didn't sort it sooner, that three months on they are
still making cock ups, that they have the cheek to charge me £2.00, that
they send letters demanding payment when I own nothing.
I had calmed down and thought I'd leave them to get on and sort it.
I've just had a phone call from NTL customer services, they understand I'm
leaving them, want to know why (hadn't a clue I'd already left!) and
couldn't tell me the reasons I'd already told them I had left when I queried
it with them.
This is my true experience, may it be a warning to others. should it be
deleted I'll post it on every appropriate newsgroup and even dedicate a
website to the whole sorry affair for all to read.
Below is some text to help the search bots find this incase any one is
suffering the same or thinking of joining NTL and researching via the web.
Ntl Don't listen to customers
NTL only interested in my money
Lee Davies